Well, I usually don’t consider Miley Cyrus a real singer, but after listening to this song, I now see her in a different manner. I respect her, because of this song. When I was listening to this song, it made me realize that I let go of a good thing. I used to be with a person that made me nothing but happy, and because of my selfish ways I decided to let that person go. I feel incomplete now, and I no longer feel happy. I’ve had these thoughts about how I would be right now if I was still with him, and I believe that I would be a much happier person. I never allowed myself to love the way that I used to, and I wish that I did. I miss the way that he held me, complimented me, as well as made my happy when I was crying. I never told anyone about him because I was afraid of what people would say about him because he wasn’t exactly everyones definition of a good person. He didn’t finish high school,was constantly getting in trouble with the law, crashed his car, didn’t have a job, still lived with his mother, but somehow I accepted that for a while because he made me happy, and that was all that mattered. But, when i finally began to tell people about him, they would give me shit for him. I usually never go with what people says, but this time it was different. They would sit in class, and bad mouth him, and only a few of them actually had the please of actually meeting him. They would tell me that I would need to let him go because he was going to only bring me down in life, and for some reason ,i actually believed him. We dated for about 4 months before I finally realized that it was time to let him go. He wasn’t doing anything positive for me, and it was so hard to actually see him.
I listened to my friends, and look where it has gotten me now. I miss him. I never really thought that I would the way that I do, but I do really miss him. He is like a dream to me because I only get to speak to him on the phone now, or via text message.
I guess what I am trying to say with all this non-sense is that always listen to your heart. Don’t let your friends or family get in the way of what you love the most. When ever I close my eyes now, I see him. When ever I listen to rap, I hear him. LOL. One of the funniest memories that I have of him is that he would always show me his raps. He actually made a CD, and it was my job to make the cover for him, which I never completed. He was always that “wannabe thug” in my eyes, and he would always wonder how I seen right thru him. It made me laugh, when he would try to act all hard towards me, because I could see thru him better then a window. It always bugged him though.
Just a few days ago, we began talking a lot more, but we haven’t seen each other for about 5 months, maybe longer. He asked me out again, but I had to decline the offer. I just wasn’t ready for a relationship with someone so far away. Since I moved to college, I knew that it would be even more difficult. Well, like I said you should always listen to your heart, and what makes you happy.
OK, well until next time.
To Each is their own. :)
People who wear their heart on their sleeve express their emotions freely and openly, for all to see